Some easy steps to a better quality of sleep

Resting – (Oksay Mark @ dollarphotoclub)

 Ageing Can Make For Sleepless Nights You may find as you age that your ability to live longer is rewarded with insomnia. It does not seem fair that you worked so very hard to stay healthy and fit, and in return you are much more likely to suffer sleepless nights as you grow older. But when you look at it from a purely physical point of view, the ageing / insomnia relationship makes a lot of sense. Beginning at about 50 years of age, your body begins to grow weaker faster. Both inside and out, your body is simply not as healthy as when you were younger.

Many senior citizens have reported becoming sleepy earlier in the evening than ever before. This means that they also wake up early. And though there is nothing wrong with that natural cycle, unfortunately poor quality of sleep and insomnia often also come hand in hand. Lack of Sleep Increases the Effects of Aging – reports that according to researchers at UC Berkeley, lack of sleep increases the effects of ageing. Older adults often miss out on deep, restorative sleep—and that causes more problems than frequent yawning and daytime drowsiness.  Read more …

Why Your Sleep Patterns Change As You Age 

As you age, it is important to understand how sleep changes throughout your life. Since your body produces lower levels of growth hormone, your natural disposition to enjoy restful slow wave and deep sleep cycles is inhibited. You produce much less melatonin than when you were younger, meaning rapid sleep cycles and waking up often during the night. But this insomniac behaviour can be treated naturally and effectively. First off, try to identify if perhaps there is some outlying cause for your insomnia,other being than age-related.Are you in a situation which provides a lot of stress during the day? Do you often feel depressed? Do your personal relationships create anxiety and worry? These may all be simple causes of anxiety which can be psychologically treated.

Age-Related Insomnia – Here are 6 Tips To Help You Sleep Better at Night

You can try the following tips to get a better night’s rest.

1.Set a sleep schedule and stick to it. Go to bed and wake up at prescribed times.

2.Do not drink alcohol or eat for at least 3 hours before you go to sleep.

3.Check your medications. If sleeplessness is a symptom, ask your doctor if you can take that particular medicine earlier in the day.

4.Falling asleep with the TV on is a no-no. It may take you some time to break yourself of this habit, but your mind subconsciously pays attention to the sound of the television after you have fallen to sleep, causing poor sleep patterns.

5.Listen to your body. If you find yourself feeling drowsy on a consistent basis earlier than you have gone to sleep before, adjust your bedtime accordingly.

6.Create bedtime rituals. A relaxing bath or soothing music, stress and relaxation management techniques like mindfulness meditation, and any repeated, calming action can help you get to sleep quicker.

7.Finally,if you suffer from acid reflux or digestive disorder which are  common  causes of insomnia,you may want to check your diet. Poor diet can definitely lead to symptoms like these, which make it very difficult to sleep properly.

The importance of regular good quality sleep has been the subject of many recent reseach projects. Struggling to sleep? Here are 16 top tips to help you get a good night’s rest without taking pills –  For most people as they age, the nightly routine of trying to nod off then waking up far too early will be a familiar one. You might have … Read more … So here’s to getting a better sleep at night.You can subscribe here to receive more information about matters which are important to you, and pick-up a copy of the Rejuvenation Age at the same time.




