Are you taking enough interest on your savings?

From Mike Paterson at The60LifeWeekly

28th October 2010

· Are you taking enough interest on your savings?

· Introducing you to Five Minute Writing

· A stretching exercise by Dr Art Brownstein


The above question, for many of us who may be on fixed or reduced incomes, could perhaps be better expressed as: Are you taking enough interest in your savings? It seems many of us are resigned to receiving little or no interest on our savings deposited with financial institutions; or perhaps we don’t spend even a little time regularly checking if we can do any better…

Are you taking enough interest on your savings?


According to Which? , the consumer watchdog organisation, the banks are being rather shy about the interest rates they are giving to savers. A common rate is as little as 0.1% per annum, equivalent to just £1 interest for every £1,000 saved. Many savings account higher rates are offered for a limited period only, and on expiry of the introductory offer, revert automatically to the lowest rate, often without informing the saver that a new rate is being used to calculate interest payments. There is a call for greater transparency, and regular information to be given on statements about current rates for savers.

A clear message to savers is: be vigilant about the amount of interest you are receiving and, if necessary, vote with your feet for a higher (and fairer) rate.

At the Which? web site, you can use a free calculator to determine the best rate for you, and calculate what money you may be losing by not shifting your savings to a better rate.

Check out what Which? is calling The Great British Savings Scandal at The Great British Savings Scandal


Introducing you to Five Minute Writing

Five minutes is all it takes…to phone a friend…peel potatoes for dinner…pick the grandkids up from school…or write a few words that could earn you anything from a plastic apron or ballpoint pen ,to a dream house in the sun, a top-of-the-range car, or a magnificent hoard of cash prizes and luxury goods!

Becoming a well paid writer could be a dream you’ve cherished for years but never quite got round to fulfilling. So why have you left it so long to experience the thrill of being paid for something you really enjoy doing? Like writing!

So, do you only make money if you successfully write full length novels and plays? No, not exclusively ,there are in fact many other ways to earn your living as a writer, not all of which bring real fame and fortune, but provide a steady income nonetheless, and few of which are anywhere near as time-consuming and stressful as being a full-time novelist or playwright.

Five minute Writers are in great demand around the world, from paying clients, including editors and publishers,

Taking just minutes to produce, short written pieces can cover far more enjoyable and profitable writing projects than most people appreciate…projects covering everything from

· readers’ letters and fillers,
· mini-articles,
· puzzles and quizzes
· recipes and household hints
· photographs and cartoons
· greeting card verses
· competition slogans, and
· much, much more…

you can read more about five minute writing next week, and also at

A stretching exercise by Dr Brownstein


On the NaturalNews website Dr. Art Brownstein writes: ” Back pain is twenty times more painful than other body pain, because these complex muscles are located so close to the spinal cord.” He reveals a natural exercise treatment you can try at home.

“1. Lie on your back. Very, very slowly bring your right knee in toward your chest, only as far as it feels comfortable.
2. With your hands on your shins, hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds.
3. Slowly release and gently let your leg down to a slow count of 5.
4. Repeat with the other leg.

Do this exercise 5-6 times in the morning before getting out of bed and again at bedtime.

Dr. Art Brownstein is a physician and author of Healing Back Pain Naturally. You can check-out more at Healing Back Pain Exercise

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Mike Paterson,
The 60Life Weekly

PS: Please, if you have your own stories, tips, or feedback send them to me at

[email protected]

Disclaimer: It is always my intention to be as accurate in fact, detail and comment as possible. However, I cannot be held responsible for any error in details, accuracy or judgement whatsoever. This e-letter is produced on this understanding.