Simple daily habits to ignite your passion for writing




courtesy dollarphoroclub a good cup of morning coffee
courtesy dollarphoroclub
a good cup of morning coffee

As I sit writing this post early in the morning a question springs to mind : can you teach an old dog new tricks? Continue reading “Simple daily habits to ignite your passion for writing”

Have you planned your New Year Resolutions?


The old year has nearly gone

and many of us will go through that timeless ritual of seeing the New Year in with one or several resolutions. We will be in earnest.But how many of us will manage to keep any of those promises to ourselves or others?According to some estimate as few as 1 in 10 of us will manage to achieve this self inflicted goal.
So why do we fail? It seems straight forward enough when the idea of self improvement,or perhaps a worthy cause, is born on the wave of a rush of blood when the sentimentality of the waning year is upon us. Why don’t our resolutions work out?
These key questions, and others, are answered in an excellent book which also provides an easy to follow blueprint based on 12 good habit types…to read more