This week, my broadcast to you is shorter than usual, but is no less important for that fact.
Good and reliable information can help us to manage our daily affairs better. So, when I saw the following topic discussed across the news last weekend, I felt it so important that I share it with you in case you missed it…
Why it is even more important now to shop around for value on savings accounts, fuel deals and insurance
In order to raise awareness, Age UK Enterprises, the commercial services arm of Age UK, has just published what it calls the ‘Silver RPI,’ which is a measure of how inflation affects people as they get older, and is to be issued quarterly.
This new index clearly indicates’ that people over 55 are being hit by much higher living costs’, says The Mail On Sunday. While the Bank of England’s latest headline inflation report was at 4.6 per cent in September, The Mail goes on to report:
‘According to the Silver RPI, the gap between real and headline inflation for the average 65 year-old, for example, is 3.3 per cent, or £710 a year. For those over 75 it is 4.1 per cent, or £440 a year.’
You can also check out a full Guardian report at inflation-highter-over-55s
Over the next few months, we’ll be looking at guidance from the internet on prices, and value, for those critical areas of cost where the lowering of spending is essential. Do stay tuned-in!
Remember you can pick-up tips and news at the60life.com
I do hope you will join me next week.
Mike Paterson,
The 60Life Weekly
If you have missed earlier issues of The60Life Weekly – these can be found by scrolling down the categories in the right hand column at http://www.the60life.com.