16th September 2010
• How to write a book and get it published
• 3 myths about building a career after 50
• Introducing over 5,000 tried and tested food recipes
How the weeks fly by! This week, for those looking to write a book, I have found a source of interesting f.ree articles which you should find useful. And, continuing the theme from last time about starting a home business, I have also included below some tips from a general article on building a career after 50.
How to write a book and get it published
At the aim is to try to fulfil this ambitious title. You will find well written articles giving a wide range of tips and advice for writers – there is a review of a book: ‘HOW NOT TO WRITE A NOVEL – 200 Classic mistakes and how to avoid them’!
3 myths about building a career after 50
In an article at three common myths (or generalisations) about older employees are exposed. These are:
1. Older people have poor health
2. Older employees are ‘outdated’
3. Older people are way more expensive to employ
The article concludes :
‘There are simpler methods in starting new career after 50 where you don’t have to go through the agony of having to explain to a recruiter half your age how much you know, or convincing an employer that you are as fit as a pony. And that alternative would be to build your business from home. The best part is that you have all the ‘equipment’ you need to make a home based company work.’
The 3 truths given are:
‘1. You have the experience and the experience to make claims that you are an authority in the field, and that’s something that no amount of technological knowledge will ever replace as you are starting new career after 50.
2. You have been around long enough to know the terrain, and particularly how people in your field of specialty work and act. You also possibly know lots of resources or leads that others don’t. Add that to an already existing client or customer base from all of your years of tough work, and the sole hurdle left for you is to convert all of these potentials into something which will work for your benefit.
3. Web businesses are very inexpensive to start up, which make them ideal if you’re starting new career after 50. If you want to be a service supplier, all you want is an internet site or a blog page, or even just signing up with one of those online directories. If you are more of a product salesman, you can affiliate or partner up with a longtime business till you make enough cash to go on your own.’
To read more check out :–It-s-Never-Too-Late-/1428422#ixzz0ywjMULcs
Introducing over 5,000 tried and tested food recipes
It seems we can’t get enough of food recipes and cooking related information which together often pass for entertainment content: newspapers, magazines day and evening-time television programmes provide a constant diet.
But of course the utility of it all, if it feeds us, introduces us to a wide variety of foodstuffs and cooking styles and, with an eye to more healthy eating, enables us to be self sufficient in the kitchen, then good job done! So in this strongly represented area of our lives , I add, with only light apology, another source of easy research providing over 5,000 tried and tested recipes for you to research and try for yourself.
I’m going to try the Mail’s recipe choice for yesterday: Chicken, potato and green bean curry – a mild, creamy curry, low in fat, and serves 4 people.
If you have, thank you for reading this far.
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Mike Paterson,
The 60Life Weekly
PS: Please, if you have your own stories, tips, or feedback send them to me at
[email protected] – be great to hear from you!
Disclaimer: It is always my intention to be as accurate in fact, detail and comment as possible. However, I cannot be held responsible for any error in details, accuracy or judgement whatsoever. This e-letter is produced on this understanding.