What you may not know about your health

  • What you may not know about your health
  • How to avoid losing your garden plants to disease
  • Could you write your autobiography?

This week we look at websites providing information on health and related matters. Are they any good? Well, although not infallible, below are three tips on testing the quality of the sites you are accessing.

We also look at a potential problem in the garden. Yes, we are looking at the spectre of disease spreading to our plants this year. Good simple gardening habits may chase this one away.

Ever thought of writing your autobiography? Oh, I see, only the famous qualify for a worthwhile level of readership? Do read on.


What you may not know about your health


What you may not know about your health, you may not find out on the internet. The internet is an amazing source of information on health related matters, but it is a place of misleading and downright wrong information for the unwary.

Apart from the erroneous stuff there can be presentation of information that, taken out of context and interpreted by the medically untrained, is utterly scary. So to avoid undue anxiety, you should at least follow the following three search tips:

1.    To identify the seriously informed and balanced treatment of content from the purely frightening and the commercially exploitative, look out for domain names that include endings like .org, .gov ,.edu , or.ac. These names indicate that the site is an academic one, perhaps run by a charity; and is probably a not -for-profit operation.

2.    Search for appropriate websites using words which will bring you a result that is nearest to what you are looking for specifically. For improved relevancy enclose your search words in inverted commas, and be as specific as possible, e.g. “rheumatoid arthritis”, rather than “arthritis” which will throw-up many  more results than you  need.

3.    Lastly, when you access a site look for the Information Standard mark which certifies its reliability.http://www.theinformationstandard.org

For a list of 10 health sites certified by the Information Standard go to the new Your Health page athttp://www.the60life.com/?page_id=579


How to avoid losing your garden plants to disease


Here are three tips to help keep your plants healthy and free of disease:

1. Don’t water from the top of the plants. Fungus loves moisture. If
you wet your leaves and stems, you’re just encouraging fungal growth.
It’s better to use a soaker hose so your plants aren’t getting wet.

2. Don’t water at night, especially if it’s humid. Watering at night
keeps things moist for longer. This might be ok if you live in the
desert, but it’s a bad thing if you live where it’s humid. As such
water during the day to give your plant leaves and stems a chance
to dry out. Doing so helps prevent fungal disease.

3. Do clean your tools. Some plant diseases are catchy, like a virus.
You can prevent the spread of disease by frequently cleaning your
tools (and even your shoes) as you tend to your garden.

For a fre.e Organic Gardening Academy e-course go tohttp://www.growingorganicnow.com


Could You Write Your Autobiography?


Here’s a writing project with a difference. Could you write your own autobiography?

From laterlife.com:

“Now you can receive expert guidance from published author Jackie Sherman who has been running “Writing your Autobiography” courses since 2008 and for the first time is offering a home-based course for Laterlife visitors with personal feedback at the end of every module.

  • Do you regret not knowing more about your parents or grandparents and don’t want your descendants to feel the same way?
  • Do you have stories in your head that you really want to share?
  • Have you been asked by family or friends to write your memoirs but keep putting it off?
  • Do you want to be a writer but don’t know what to write about, or wonder if you will be good enough?


  • Do you know someone else who is always talking about their life but needs encouragement to put their story down on paper?”

You can check-out the home-based course at


Finally, if you haven’t already done so, grab that e-course from The Organic Garden Academy which is available to you now, without charge, athttp://www.growingorganicnow.com

Back soon…

Do remember you can pick-up more regular tips and news athttp://the60life.com


Mike Paterson,

The 60Life Weekly
